The Clarkson City Commission on Monday (August 12th) heard a proposal to have solar energy installed in all city-owned buildings.
Scott Franklin, a project manager who oversees the installation of solar power systems, attended the city commission’s regular August meeting on Monday to share how going solar could save the city at least $12,000 per year and potentially be 100% funded by grants and tax credits.
According to Franklin, there is a 50% tax credit available for non-taxed entities, including small governments like Clarkson, wanting to go solar.
Additionally, Clarkson qualifies for a “copious amount of grants,” Franklin said.
“I’m not telling you that it’s free because it’s not,” he said. “There is a price tag associated to it, but there is a possibility that, within 12 to 18 months, 100% of this can be paid for completely, which means...whatever the cost of electricity is for this community, most of it can be wiped away, and you all keep that within the budget.”
Franklin’s initial proposal for Clarkson’s municipal buildings had a cost estimate of around $170,000; however, officials also discussed the potential of installing solar at Clarkson City Park, as well.
“It sounds too good to be true,” City Commissioner Joyce Bell said.
“Yes, it does, but I promise you, it’s not,” said Franklin.
Maintenance of the solar panels would fall to the company that installed them, but, Franklin said, of the hundreds of panels he’s had installed, only three have gone out.
Officials said Clarkson currently pays around $4,000 per month for electricity.
At the conclusion of Franklin’s presentation, City Commissioner Michael Anderson said he is interested in learning more, and made a motion for the city to investigate Franklin’s proposal further and look into the feasibility of it.
The motion passed.
In other business, the city commission:
Approved proclamations naming the week of Sept. 16-22 Pollinator Week and the month of September City Government Month in the city of Clarkson.
Requested that City Attorney Tom Goff investigate what the city needs to do regarding the upcoming legalization of medical cannabis in the state.
Was informed about a number of upcoming city events, including a public screening of Bee Movie on the Clarkson soccer field on Saturday, Sept. 28; the fall soccer season, which begins on Sept. 7 and runs through the end of October (registration forms are available at city hall or can be printed from; Treats on the Trail, which will be held on Saturday, Oct. 12 from 4-6 p.m.; Christmas in the Park, which will be held on Friday, Dec. 6; and next year’s Clarkson Springfest, which will be held on May 10, 2025.
Read more at the Grayson County News website.
