Clarkson Mayor Bonnie Henderson gave the oath of office to the city’s next commissioners Monday night.
With current commissioner Michael Anderson the only returning member and Timothy Faulkner the only other candidate on the November ballot, two vacancies will remain on the commission when the next two-year term begins in January.
According to Clarkson City Clerk-Treasurer Scotty Gore, two new commissioners are expected to be appointed to fill these vacancies at the commission’s next meeting in January.
In other business, the city commission:
Approved a proclamation naming Sunday, Dec. 15 Bill of Rights Day in the city in recognition of the 233rd anniversary of the establishment of the American Bill of Rights.
Reported that the city’s next American Red Cross blood drive will be held on New Year’s Eve (Tuesday, Dec. 31) from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Clarkson Community Center.
Entered into executive session to discuss personnel. Upon returning to regular session, the commission passed a motion to reinstate former employee Blake Elmore as a part-time police officer on an as-needed basis.
Voted to have tires replaced on a city garbage truck with two new Firestone tires from J & K Mobile Tire for $1,300.

From left, Clarkson Mayor Bonnie Henderson swears in city commissioners Timothy Faulkner and Michael Anderson on Monday.
Courtesy photo